Category: Blog

Empowering Change: Wendi’s Mission to Protect Children Online

Social media is one of the world’s most powerful tools. It can help form connections around the world, grow businesses and start careers. Unfortunately, a platform with that much impact also comes with its own set of risks. Through her own experiences, Wendi Tackett became increasingly aware of the darker side of social media, which […]

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Overcoming the Odds: How Jason Found Stability and Success with the Help of G3

G3 Jason Blog

Because rural areas often have limited access to four-year universities, community colleges can offer an entry point into higher education for students, and even help lift them out of poverty. That’s exactly what Mountain Empire Community College (MECC) in Wise, Virginia, did for Jason Gilliam. Jason recently graduated as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), and […]

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How Cal Found Their Path Forward Through Virginia’s Community Colleges

G3 Cal Luck Blog

Cal had no idea what they wanted to do after high school, but they didn’t let that stop them from continuing their education. After high school, they enrolled at Tidewater Community College to take the basic core classes. After completing those, they began a Career Studies Certificate in Medical Administrative Assistant, which prepares students for […]

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Reaching the Finish Line: Briana’s Path to Motorsport Engineering

When you think about programs you can pursue through Virginia’s Community Colleges, what comes to mind? Probably not motorsport engineering. While this may be a male-dominated field, Briana Wood has never let that deter her from pursuing a career as a motorsport engineer. Briana chose Virginia Western Community College after connecting with Dr. David Barry, […]

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Finding a Deeper Calling With the Help of G3 Tuition Assistance

G3 Masyn Blog

Masyn’s journey from Connecticut to Virginia signaled a significant shift in her pursuit of a career centered on helping others. Her story, intertwined with her experiences at Germanna Community College, offers valuable insight into the impact of Virginia G3. After completing her undergraduate studies at Radford University and immersing herself in a career, Masyn was […]

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