If you’re ready for a new career but it feels like you’re doing a 180 from your current occupation, don’t let that hinder you. You may not realize it, but you’re gaining skills in your current position that can be applied to your future job in another industry. These are known as transferable skills.
Similar to soft skills which can help boost your overall qualifications, transferrable skills are abilities and experiences that can be transferred from one job to another, even if they are in different industries. While you may receive training for the technical skills you’ll need as a nurse, web developer, early childhood educator or machinist, you have other skills that have developed over the course of your work experience that can transition you into the career of your dreams.
Here are some transferable skills that can help you transition into a new career. And yes, you can put these down on your resume!
Working Well Under Pressure
Even jobs that may not be considered high pressure can have overwhelming moments. Maybe you’ve had to attend to a long line of angsty customers or had to take orders for a dinner rush on a night where you’re understaffed. Having to think quickly on your feet while keeping your cool and handling many tasks at once a is a skill that can be applied to many other positions. If performing under pressure is one of your strengths, you could consider a career in the healthcare field, public safety or even education.
Empathy and Compassion
Being able to relate to others while showing genuine care and concern over what they’re going through is not a skill that everyone possesses. If you’re the go-to employee when there are upset customers or you go out of your way to make sure people around you are taken care of and comfortable, a career in counseling, education or the healthcare field could be a great fit for you.
Technology Skills
It’s rare to find a position where you’re not using some sort of technology, from scheduling appointments, to using a specialized application software, to writing complex code. If you consider yourself technologically inclined and can learn new programs and concepts quickly, a new career in IT or even skilled trades could be right around the corner. Remember, some of those hands-on construction and technician roles can use just as much software as it does hardware.
Time and Project Management
Whether it’s completing tasks in a timely manner or being able to keep your team moving on a project that needs to meet a quick deadline, managing your time well – and showing up on time – is a skill employers are earnestly looking for. If you know how to make good use of your time while juggling multiple tasks, you’re someone who can be trusted to be productive and get the job done, no matter what industry you’re in.
Staying organized is another way to increase efficiency and productivity. If you’re skilled with keeping your workspace clean, have a consistent note taking method, and can find your tools and equipment without skipping a beat, you’ll always get more done and always make a good impression on your managers.