Guiding Students to Success: Insights from G3 Advisors at Mountain Empire Community College

G3 Amanda Mathews Blog

It’s always exciting to connect with G3 students, but what about the staff and faculty that are advising and teaching these students? We had the opportunity to speak with a few G3 advisors at Mountain Empire Community College to learn about how they help students achieve success.

Amanda Mathews is one of those G3 advisors who works in the Business Information Technology Division.

What brought you to Mountain Empire?

I was originally in the mental health field and have a master’s in counseling. When I saw the opportunity to work at a community college, I jumped on it because I wanted something different. It’s felt like home ever since.

What’s your favorite thing about Mountain Empire?

My favorite thing about working at Mountain Empire is how we are all student-driven and student-focused. We want to help our students achieve their goals and earn meaningful credentials and have little to no debt while doing so.

What advice do you have for a student that’s considering community college, but may have some apprehensions?

I would tell a student who’s considering coming to MECC to just take the leap and reach out to anyone on campus. It’s a great idea to have that initial conversation of what your goals are and what jobs you’re interested in pursuing. We can advise students about what G3 programs we have available and help them see that it’s possible to pursue a degree or credential with little to no debt.

For students who are wanting to enter an IT program I would encourage them to just reach out to myself or one of our faculty members. They all have offices here on site and they’re great resources to learn about potential job and internship opportunities.

Are students surprised when they learn that they qualify for tuition assistance?

A lot of students are concerned with the price when they are considering college. We explain to them not only do we have the G3 programs but we have other scholarships and financial opportunities that students may not think about. They’re really surprised at how affordable things can be.

Is there anything else you want people to know about Mountain Empire?

I want people to know that Mountain Empire is a safe space for all students and all age groups. Not only do we have freshmen coming in straight out of high school, but we have adults returning to learn new skills or to just improve their current skills. I just want them to know that Mountain Empire can be home for them.