One of the things that makes community college so great is the various types of students on campus. From recent high school graduates and parents going back to school, to retired individuals interested in stimulating courses and veterans preparing for the workforce, Virginia’s Community Colleges serve everyone.
To make sure that every student has what they need to succeed, Virginia’s Community Colleges offer a number of resources to serve every type of learner.
Here are four different resources that can help “nontraditional” students navigate the college experience:
GED Courses
One of the biggest barriers to a college degree is the one that comes before it – a high school diploma. Many community colleges such as Laurel Ridge and Rappahannock offer GED (General Educational Development) programs that provide classes and skills needed to pass the exam. In addition to preparation classes, students can register to take the GED exam through their community college.
College ESL Courses
Most people might associate ESL (English As A Second Language) classes with younger students, but there shouldn’t be a stigma around adults pursing these courses. Many of Virginia’s community colleges including Eastern Shore and Brightpoint offer ESL courses you can take alongside regular coursework so that language never has to be a barrier to pursuing an education.
CCAMPIS: Supporting Parenting Students
Our student parents are very important to us, and we care about making sure you and your children are taken care of. CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents in School) is a federal grant-funded program of the U.S. Department of Education. The program is focused on advocating for the needs of student parents and pregnant students. CCAMPIS not only advocates for these students to administrators, but also connects them with community resources for parents and children. CCAMPIS is available through several of Virginia’s community colleges, including NOVA and Tidewater.
Great Expectations
We often underestimate the power of having a loving adult who can guide you on the college journey. For students in foster care, finding that adult you can trust can be difficult. The Great Expectations Initiative is for students leaving foster care and entering the adult world, often on their own. Great Expectations pairs students with a staff mentor who helps assess their skills and interests, discuss their future, and make a plan for enrolling in college. Great Expectations also provides scholarships and reduced college costs to encourage all former foster children to pursue a degree.