Virginia infrastructure is growing and with the trillion dollar infrastructure bill moving through the legislature, Virginia could expect to receive $7 billion for highway programs and $537 million for bridge repairs and replacement. Jobs in industries like construction, manufacturing, agriculture and heavy equipment operations need leaders and skilled workers to fill open jobs and help meet the industry’s demands.
Growth in the Hampton Roads area
In the Hampton Roads area, infrastructure is expanding to incorporate new tunnel boring technologies to expand the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT). The $3.8 billion project is the largest in the Virginia Department of Transportation’s history and one of the nation’s most significant infrastructure projects.
Hampton Roads area job creation doesn’t stop there. The Community College Workforce Cooperative (CCWC) was created by Tidewater, Paul D. Camp and Thomas Nelson community colleges to help meet the large-scale job training needs for the growing region’s businesses and industries. With today’s increase in business training demands like production and transportation, CCWC will integrate job training resources at all three community colleges.
“This pandemic has left a lot of people struggling, asking what’s next for them and their families. Meanwhile, we have national businesses, and even global, leaders seeking the workers they need to reach the next level,” said Todd Estes, executive director of CCWC. “Our community colleges can bring those people together, and that work begins immediately.”
Across Virginia
Hampton Roads may have some of the biggest tunnels and bridges, but with waterways, railways and roads interconnecting cities across Virginia, infrastructure work can be found in every corner of the state.
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Editor’s Note: At the time of publishing, Virginia Peninsula Community College was named Thomas Nelson Community College.