Category: Public Safety

How Summer Classes Can Help You Get Ahead of the Game

Summer Classes Blog

As the spring semester at most colleges and universities roll to a close, many students are likely anticipating lying by the pool or taking a trip to the beach. While that’s understandable, it might benefit you to consider taking a summer class or two. That way you can come back in the fall ahead of […]

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The Soft Skills You Need to Land a Good Career

Soft Career Skills Blog

When you find a position that interests you, you’ll typically check to see if it’s with a company you admire, the position’s earning potential, and if your experience makes you a qualified candidate. The truth is, you may not meet all the qualifications, but don’t let that stop you from applying. Your future boss isn’t […]

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Use G3 Tuition Assistance for Online Learning Through Virginia’s Community Colleges

Online Learning Blog

Pursuing your education has never been easier! And by enrolling in online classes, you’ll have the flexibility to study from anywhere with wi-fi. Even with all the advantages that come with remote learning, some students might be concerned that they’ll miss out on campus resources or not receive the same education that they would while […]

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Skip the desk, help build Virginia’s foundation


Not everyone is interested in punching the clock, working nine to five behind a computer tip-tapping away at reports, spreadsheets and emails. For some, being able to work with your hands, outside – working hard, but seeing your work come to life – is far more exciting. And it’s a good thing there are plenty […]

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The benefits of heading to community college

benefits community college

Whether you’re looking for a more affordable path to an education or simply trying to balance work, life and school, the benefits of community college are endless. In a world where the future seems more uncertain than ever, community college can be a grounding force ready to propel you to new heights. If you’re considering […]

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Virginia’s Evolving Infrastructure (and How G3 Can Help)


Virginia infrastructure is growing and with the trillion dollar infrastructure bill moving through the legislature, Virginia could expect to receive $7 billion for highway programs and $537 million for bridge repairs and replacement. Jobs in industries like construction, manufacturing, agriculture and heavy equipment operations need leaders and skilled workers to fill open jobs and help […]

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