It’s nearing the end of the year, which is a perfect time to take a few quiet moments and think about what you’re hoping to see in the next 365 days, and what you’re hoping to leave behind.
Even if you didn’t put pen to paper and write down your goals from this past semester or year, it’s never too late to start. Whether you take a day to create a colorful reflection with graphics on Photoshop or simply jot down a few notes in your notebook, here’s how you can create an end-of-year reflection that will set you up for success in 2023.
Think About Where You Were Last Year
Take a few minutes and think about where you were and what you were doing a year ago. Your life might look very similar, or it might it look completely different. Maybe you never thought you’d be where you are today, or maybe you’re on track with goals you laid out 5 years ago. Whatever the case may be, taking a few minutes to meditate on how far you’ve come is a great way to begin your reflection.
Recognize Your Accomplishments
Now comes the fun part! Write down all your accomplishments from the last year, big and small. Did your hard work earn you grades your proud of? Did you open a savings account? Whatever steps you took or milestones you reached that had a positive impact on you and others around you, write them down!
Reflect on What You Learned
You learned a lot about the world around you over the past year, likely without even realizing it. Maybe you figured out how to solve a math problem that you struggled with all semester, or you’re finally able to have a conversation in Spanish without having to look up any words. Did you gain a better understanding of how your education can help achieve your goal? You’ll realize there are endless opportunities to learn and grow all year long, in and out of the classroom.
Outline Areas Where You Would Like to Improve
Each and every one of us has areas we can to improve upon, whether that be by building better study habits, becoming a better writer, working on our networking skills or simply setting an earlier bedtime. If you feel that you need extra support or someone to hold yourself accountable, consider finding an accountability buddy or reaching out to your school’s student services center to take advantage of its resources.
Create a List of Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
The final step in your end-of-year reflection should be to list your short-term and long-term goals for the coming year. This is a list that you can revisit every week, or every semester. You may find that your goals change over time, and that’s okay! Whatever your goals are, being intentional and writing them down helps you outline exactly what you want to achieve, and the steps it will take to get there.